This is it! I am finally living the dream.
I'm independent, I pay cheap rent, and I eat great food.
How did I achieve this? Integrity.
My mother believes in magic. When two people are related, she believes that they magically love each other, no matter how much they differ. So I used that against her. I said to her, "You're my mom, therefore you should love me". The truth of the matter is, my mother and I disagree on fundamental principles. If anything, we should hate each other. So why the fuck did I want to depend on someone who's supposed to hate me? Remaining in the "son" position meant that I had to be a slave and constantly manipulate her in order to get what I want.
Property is that which is under one's control. When you surrender your responsibilities to somebody else, you become their property, because they have control over your life. Children are property of their parents. I wrote a Family Manifesto long time ago, where I claimed that parents are obligated to take care of and share property with their children. How manipulative of me. Who's to say that one shouldn't abandon their property?
Children remain property until one of the following things occurs:
1. They acquire enough experience and skills to take care of themselves.
2. They choose to abandon their parents.
3. Their parents choose to abandon them.
You'll never guess what I did. It's the best choice I've ever made. I decided to become my mother's employee. My job? I'm a domestic worker. Where do I live now? I am my mother's roommate. I live in the living room, I sleep on the couch. The rent is cheap, it's covered by my wage. And so is the food. I no longer depend on my mother's benevolence, and I don't have to manipulate her anymore. Instead, I just have to complete the tasks in my daily planner. My work schedule? 3 hours a day, at most. I feel so much more confident and independent. No more pressure to find a job. No more feeling like a fuckup. Now I live with integrity. I am finally my own.