It's fascinating to me how you guys keep talking about the Symptoms of the Disease, trying to figure out specifically how they occurred. You keep whining about the injustice of the illness, and spotting out its negative effects, like IT MATTERS. Let me put this in other words: let's say you have a deadly Rash that keeps spreading around on your skin. You find out that what caused and keeps maintaining the Rash is an allergy: you're allergic to Apples. So what you Truth Doctors do is, you keep eating apples, and after that, you keep staring at the mirror, counting all the new Zits that have appeared on your body. You look at the Pimples under a microscope, wondering WHEN and HOW they developed. Yet, the only thing you have to do is STOP EATING APPLES. But it's as if you're an addict! You keep notes of new Apple mutations and their latest effects on your skin, and yet you keep eating them, and it never crosses your mind that focusing on the symptoms will never help you solve the problem. Stop trying to cover your Zits with make up. Stop applying stupid lotion on your Rashes. Stop taking drugs. Fix the core issue. STOP EATING APPLES.
All I'm saying is, it doesn't matter what happened on 9/11. It doesn't matter what the FED is doing. It doesn't matter which law the Cops broke. Those are all Symptoms of the same Disease. It's the Elephant in the room. It's the FNORD in your papers. It's the Government, it's Religion, it's Superstition. It's Bad Parenting.
How many more examples of the same thing does one need to understand the simple fact that Government equals coercion? People are psychologically handicapped to see the FNORD. This is a bad strategy that is obviously failing. I'm not against educating the masses, but this is the wrong way to do it. If you go on doing what you're doing now you are very likely to go on getting the same results as you are getting now. You want real change, educate children, not corrupt grown ups. Grown ups need therapy before understanding such a fundamental truth, contradictory to their deepest values.