Google doesn't find even one web page where the main topic is "Nine Inch Nails Sucks". NIN are extremely overrated, and that's the main reason I wanted to express my dislike for this musical project. Reznor's fans claim that his sound is exceptionally good just because he uses expensive equipment and experimental effects. The fact of the matter is, there is evident noise level in his songs, and even some clipping. Some people say that it's a good thing you can hear all of the instruments in a NIN song. This is actually a sign of bad mixing. Most instruments in a mix are supposed to compliment each other, not individually stand out on their own. I don't like NIN's beats, they are badly put together, let's say, compared to Prodigy's beats, which are perfect. I gave Prodigy's beats as an example of well-glued samples in a way that they sound homogeneous, like real drum beats. Update: turns out NIN's drum beats are real, it's just that they're so badly mixed, they sound like bad techno made in Fruity Loops.
If you layer Reznor's vocal tracks one over the other at the same tempo, I wouldn't be surprised if the melodies match. You could call it "style", but most of his songs have the same tune played in different keys, with various alterations. Also, Reznor's singing voice is unoriginal and boring. The songs are too repetitive and they lack dynamics. The lyrics are pretentious and boring. They look like some teenage girl wrote them during her period. Except, teen angst poetry is a tad less tedious and sometimes fun to fap to.
Trent Reznor is an elitist prick who takes himself too seriously. He's a supporter of PETA - a terrorist group. He's a narcissistic asshole who somehow manages to influence others into believing that he's a big deal. I'm willing to bet that most of his fans are teenagers who have received bad parenting but still love their parents. Don't ask me why, psychology. Not that hip to have in such a cutting edge article like this one.