Apr 15, 2010

Dear Haters

To all the haters who judge me for HAVING A CHOICE:

Fuck your manipulative bullshit, asshole. Fuck your self-righteous crap. I'm not obligated to put up with any of you douchebags. Just because you like to waste your time with me, doesn't mean I like to waste my time with you. Just because you "respect" me, doesn't mean I should respect you back. Respect is something you earn, you are not entitled to it. You like one-way relationships where only your opinion matters, and you should always have the upper hand. Hey fuckface, you demand that people listen to you, but you never listen to them. You're so pathetic in your attempt to "be heard" and "win", that you keep sending me hatemail that I never read.

I have an opinion and I act on it. That must drive you insane, because you're a passive shit and you can't do anything on your own terms. You're a coward conformist bitch. You keep lying to yourself that you're happy in your "prison cell", where you're forced to interact with your inmates, no matter how shitty they are. Whenever you see someone like me get out of "prison", and make real choices on who to interact with, it reminds you of the shit life that you have, and that's why you hate me so much. I'll keep reminding you of your bad choices (to make no choice is also a choice). You "imprison" yourself willingly.

You say I'll run out of friends. The only person running out of friends is you. Nobody likes you because of your shit attitude. You're against me and my writings because I could potentially inspire other people to realize their choice, and stop tolerating manipulative douchebags. That's against your interests, because you like controlling people and forcing them to interact with you. If people stopped complying, you would be left alone with nobody to make you feel less worthless. You hate yourself, that's why you can't understand me. You believe an individual's value is something external, dependent on other individuals' opinion, hence you are grateful to people who find you valuable. I will not be grateful to you for finding me valuable, because I already know that I am valuable, regardless of what you think.

Finding value in someone is not something valuable. Do you expect me to say "Thank you for finding me valuable"? That's bullshit. I don't need, nor expect, your praise. What I expect from you is reciprocity. And if I believe that my interaction with you is a waste of time, then surely, you've brought nothing to the table for me. I no longer have incentive to provide you with my "product" (whatever it is that you find valuable), because you never gave me anything in return, you big altruist! You've always been the altruist, haven't you, you big fat poser.

It's the same shit with families. "My mom loves me, therefore I should love her back". That's flawed logic. It doesn't make sense to value anyone's love. It's their behavior that matters. Love is not a virtue, it's a consequence of perceived virtue. It makes no sense to accept anyone's love as something good, if their behavior often hurts you. Some psychos kill their victims because they strongly believe the latter are better off dead. Love is a very subjective thing, you see. "I do this because I love you" won't convince me to love you back, if you just hit me in the face. Call it love, friendship, respect... it all comes down to subjective values and principles.

For the last time. I'm not obligated to tolerate anyone's bullshit, even if they have strong feelings for me, or whatever. If you're an asshole, I don't want you around. If you want my "product", buy it. I ain't giving it out for free anymore, and I surely won't be missing your praise.

Apr 11, 2010


I finally decided to finish my article on revenge. I will define the word "revenge" as the delayed infliction of perceived equivalent damage to an individual for damage received by the latter. I stress the word "delayed", because otherwise you wouldn't call that kind of behavior "revenge", but rather - "retaliation". So if a guy hits you with a baseball bat, and you wait until next week to hit him back, that would be revenge.

Why commit revenge? "To receive justice, and teach the bad guy a lesson".

You feel bad because you "lost" the "game" with the bad guy. He got away with doing harm to you, and you couldn't fight back at that time. This certainly hurts, and you feel like justice should be served, because there is a lack of reciprocity between you and him. The false-self hates "losing". So in order to "win", you think it's a good idea to fight back later. Why is that bad for you? If you fight back later, the bad guy might defend himself, and there's a chance you'll get hurt. Even if you do defeat him, he might later decide to fight back, which can then hurt you, and so on. This is what I call "The Game", where you're trapped in a vicious cycle of battles, and you never give up, because you can't stand the thought of "losing"; you want to dominate your enemy.

What would happen if you "lost"? You'll have to feel the burn. But this is good. The pain might actually motivate you to figure out how to avoid being defeated next time. You can conclude that you want to stay away from situations where you can't immediately retaliate. You'll be pushed to learn how you can prevent such unfortunate events from happening.

The second argument, "teach the bad guy a lesson", is based on the assumption that whoever hurt you lacked sympathy, therefore they should be taught a lesson in Sympathy 101 by you, yourself. "If he knows what it's like to be bullied, he'll probably stop being a bully". That statement could be true in some cases, but we shall see why it's not worth trying to teach the bad guy a lesson. By punishing the Attacker, the Avenger takes responsibility for teaching him a lesson. This may take great effort. Why would you waste resources for teaching someone you hate a lesson? It makes no sense to do him a favor after what he's done to you.

"If a loved one hurt you", then you might say, "it would probably pay off well to teach them some sympathy, so maybe then revenge would be beneficial". No. A reasonable person would be greatly offended if you tried to control their behavior through punishment, for there are better, more effective ways to persuade a person. A reasonable loved one would be greatly saddened if she hurt you, and she'll probably do her best to learn how to be sympathetic in the particular instance, without having to be forced by your revenge.

Even if we assume that your loved one is retarded, revenge still won't do your relationship any good. Urgency is of importance, like in conditioning dogs. If you hit a dog right after it's done some harm, it'll subconsciously register why you've punished it, and it might learn not to do what it did again. If however, you hit it hours after it took a shit on your carpet, you'll only confuse the dog, and it won't learn the intended lesson. I figure, it would be the same with retards.

The alternative to revenge would be ostracism, if the Attacker is someone of no importance to you. Just ignore them, and be prepared to retaliate, next time they attack. If the Attacker is rather valuable to you, and you prefer to keep your friendship, it would be much more productive to talk with him about your feelings, and how his behavior triggered painful emotions in you. It's up to him to decide whether he wants to change, or not. If he has no desire to change, it's up to you to decide whether you want to make a compromise, or end the friendship.

Apr 10, 2010

Fuck Animal Rights

My view on animal rights - they shouldn't have any. I'm against rights overall, because a "right" can only be given by a third party authority with monopoly on violence. I don't like the idea of somebody going to jail for hurting an animal. Overall, I'm against any type of imprisonment, because punishment does not solve cruelty issues, it only causes more cruelty. You wanna make a lunatic less crazy? "Well, put him in a cell with other lunatics! It'll surely straighten him up". "Teach him the Bible". Are you fucking kidding me. By the time they're out, they're not only gonna be raping animals, they'd wanna rape you and your children and your mom. Fuck jail, and fuck rights.

Imagine a fucking zoopolice. Who's running it, animals? No, people are! You'll get cuffed by a police officer for hurting little Fifi. "Surely, little Fifi would contribute to the economy a lot more than you, so hell, let's put you in jail for being a cruel fuck, and send the dog to a spa. Surely it can pay for the service, it's a motherfucking dog! A citizen of this nation". No, the dog won't pay, tax payers will. You fuckheads will pay for both the dog's treatment and the sick fuck's prison cell. You wanna pay, fine, but keep me out of it. Your "animal rights" bullshit laws will have me forced to spend money on something I don't support. Rule of the majority, my ass. I bet most of you fucks would refuse to pay voluntarily, if it weren't made into a law.

I love animals. I treat them with great care, I'm super kind to them. But that doesn't change the fact that they are retards with no ability to cooperate with humans, other than being cute and submissive. I don't need to pet a cat right now, I need money. Surely a cat would give me comfort in the short term, and it would make me feel less sorry for myself, but think of the time I wasted there petting the motherfucker, that I could have spent on making money, or some other shit. It will give me comfort in the short term, but it won't help me with paying the rent. I can't charge the cat for making them a website.

Leave animals deal with their issues and take a look at yourself first. Why do you care about animals so much? What do they bring to the table for you? Do you really care about them? Or are you a self-righteous faggot who just gets pleasure out of morally condemning other faggots? You like to punish, because you were punished. You don't like animals. You like dominance. You like to see other people suffer under your first of "justice". You like revenge. That's alright, I don't care. But I won't let you force your "will" on me.

Apr 7, 2010

Snoop Dogg is a Waste

Fuck Snoop Dogg, I'm sick of seeing his face everywhere. Snoop Dogg is shit. His flow sucks, and his voice is annoying. He was never a good rapper, too. All he does is show up and take a greasy shit on a cheap beat. It's no longer a privilege to do a song with Snoop; in fact, it's equivalent to collaborating with Vanilla Ice. Both fuckers are washed out wannabe gangsters with zero talent. And oh boy, Snoop is such a pimp, married to his high school sweetheart. He's a pussy-whipped shit. When I see his face on TV, I know the program I'm watching is cheap. He's ugly, too. Snoop's the new Mr. T, except he's uglier. He looks like the type of log a Chinese constipated old woman would leave in the toilet. Snoop's the kind of shit that would clog up your toilet and reek for weeks, he just won't flush down.

I feel sorry for Snoop Dogg and his embarrassments.