One would argue that time is money and ideas take time to come up with. I would like to correct you, sir. Time is money only when it has been spent in order to provide an exclusive valuable service that the client voluntarily requested. Let's say you walk to a place in the public mountain every day, and you've naturally made a pathway by walking on the same ground so many times. Then a tourist discovers your pathway and finds it to be useful. He takes advantage of it to conveniently go to that same place you've been going to.
1. Just because he's using your pathway doesn't mean he had demanded it from you.If you still demand a tax from everyone who's walking on this pathway, you're just being a total dick. Here's a parallel scenario: The weather is cold. You get on a bus. The bus is loaded, there are no seats available. A person stands up because it's time for him to leave. You take his seat and suddenly he's demanding money from you, just because the seat is warm from his ass and farts.
2. You hadn't spent your time making the pathway exclusively for the tourist.
3. If more tourists find your pathway useful, that wouldn't mean you've wasted more time on it.
I hope you can see now how ridiculous the concept of Intellectual Property really is. It makes no fucking sense. So if one claims that ideas can be owned, that would mean that they are either an artist or an inventor. We all know that artists cling to socialism because there's too much competition in their field, and without support from a socialistic government, they won't be able to earn enough money. Inventors make a big deal out of patents to claim monopoly over their products. If you wanna earn money, quit your whining and get real. Non-existing things cost non-existing money.
Stop buying unicorns! When you pirate MP3's, you're downloading CAPITALISM. Because inevitably the delusional douchebags will become extinct. The young demographic will no longer dream about becoming unicorn riders or dragon slayers. Instead, they will be focusing on real things that would help the economy grow.