Let's say you're a sick fuck who enjoys jacking off to violence and rape. What are the chances you find a like-minded person on AIM / MSN / Skype? And what are the odds they would be from your area? You simply can't meet new people using those limited "secure" instant messengers; there are no places to go... What would have happened on IRC? First, you choose a server that's in your area, you connect, and then you enter your keyword "gore" in the channel search bar. Let's say you join the #goregrind chat room. Plenty of sick fucks are gonna welcome you there, and the chances are, many would be willing to trade pornography with you! Some might even wanna mail you a dead corpse of their daughter! I didn't write that.
See, you can't do that kind of networking using private messengers' chat rooms - there is no way of listing them, they are all temporary, and you have no idea if there are gonna be Americans or people from Zimbabwe in there. MySpace networking works if you wanna find a pretentious asshole who doesn't even allow messaging unless you're his friend. People don't realize how limited cyberspace communcation has become, instead of expanding. They choose to surround themselves with boring motherfuckers they're already sick of. Then what's the point of the internet? I say, if you wanna talk to your friends, fucking meet them in person, don't use technology, unless they're miles away from you... It's crazy... Big business wants to narrow down our relationships so that we become less sociable, and better working units. Fuck MySpace, and fuck FaceBook, it's all fake bullshit.
And it's not only finding new people that's important. What happened to group chats? Why is everyone afraid of exposing their opinion to more than one person? I think it's because of the so-called Stroking system. When you people talk to someone, you tend to adjust your attitude and opinions to those of your companion. You compromise your point of view and you stroke your friend and he strokes you back... You're afraid of confrontation and that's why you avoid talking in public. You like discussing people in their absence, but once they enter the room, you're too afraid to speak up. What happened to honesty? We CAN afford a little bit of honesty, you know, just for the sake of stating our differences and showing our uniqueness as individuals. Who needs fake friends anyway? You can have tons of those, but do they serve you a real purpose? Are they mutually beneficial in any other than the circle-jerk way? Think about it. Like Kurt Cobain used to say, it's better to be hated for who you are rather than loved for who you're not.