According to a recent scientific study at a Harvard institute, "having sex" is the lamest term for intercourse. followed by "sleep with" and "get laid". People even prefer "making love" compared to the latter. "Seriously dude, that shit makes me cringe", says Professor Cheese from Harvard University, "We see so many commercials on TV that mention these words and get away with it, leaving our kids mentally distressed and cringed. This is an equivalent of emotional sexual abuse". Studies do show that children question the terms in their heads and are left generally confused as to "what is sex" and "how is it had". Can you imagine what is going on in their minds? "Is sex like a cake? Is it tasty? Why do people want it so much? Why do especially couples want it? How come I don't know about something that everybody else wants and obviously enjoys immensely? I may be a bad boy because mom and dad never give me sex." Another example of such confusion: "What's the big deal if a man and a woman sleep together in one bed? Why is this so important to adults? Why do they fight over it?" Imagine children's frustration, for crying out loud! What's so bad about using "fuck"? At least kids would know it's an adult thing separate from a cake or sleeping in one bed with another person.
And this shit is not only happening on TV, and it's not only a cheap trick to get away with talking about fucking on air. Shit goes on in our personal lives, too. I see adults talking about "having sex" or "getting laid". What the fuck are you talking about, man? Did you bang her? Did you bone her? Did you do her? Did you hit it? "No man, we had sex! You've gotta be politically correct! Such language is disrespectful to women!" Come on, we all know women are dirtier than men. But they refer to it as "sleeping" and they'd go crazy with "insomnia". Go get some sleeping pills, girl, cuz I can see your twat speaking. Why would one use a much longer and less efficient synonym when you have a verb specifically engineered to represent the act of intercourse. It drives me out of my skin and it always makes me cringe to see people try to make sex conversations appear less explicit. Like in that show Scrubs. Ugh, it makes me feel so icky. Fucking hospital shows, always based on sexual relationships.
I think I might have been sexually abused as a child because I'm having a hunch that what I'm saying is not at all an objective statement and these things perhaps shouldn't make me feel that angry. But I think it's mainly because casual sex is against my values, although I tried to make it appear is if it weren't, in the past. It infuriates me how most relationships are not based on virtue, but rather on lust and the desire to be in control. I'm curious of what you might be thinking on that issue.