Oct 10, 2008

Rapist Alert

A serial stuffed animal rapist is on the loose. He is known for kidnapping children's toys against their will, and brutally sodomizing them on tape. But that's not all. John Tanner, also known as Free Willy, works as a child entertainer and visits kindergartens on the Weekends. On August 27th, teacher Lissa Randell witnessed something godawfully shocking.

"We often have Mr. Tanner come over, mostly for birthday parties. Kids always had a great time with him. One day I had an important appointment with my dentist, so I left early, leaving John responsible for the children. Turned out my dentist was sick, so I came back to work. I entered the building, and I heard a loud noise coming from the playroom. I tiptoed to the door and I barely opened it. What I saw was appalling." - says Miss Randell. Free Willy was caught showing one of his twisted videos to the innocent prepubescent viewers. The sinful images were projected on the wall. In the film, Tanner was sodomizing a stuffed replica of the infamous TV character, ALF.

"John was naked, and he was penetrating the doll. It had an attached artificial anus and lipstick smeared around its lips." - explains the shocked witness - "At the time being, the children were laughing and having fun. They thought it was part of Willy's clown schtick. But imagine the impact on their tender little brains! This is all gonna affect their adulthood in a terrible way! May God help them..."

When Lissa witnessed the abominable abuse, she quickly ran to her office and called 911. Soon enough, the cops came and arrested the pervert. In his home, they found dozens of mutilated stuffed animals and videotapes. Some toys had their pubic areas shaved, others had strap-on penis extensions. On one of the videos, Tanner documented himself defecating on a puppy doll. After that, he used his own feces as lubrication. Finally, after his climax, the clown ate his own products.

The case is still open.