Oct 18, 2008
Suze Orman Can Eat Shit
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Don't you point your finger at me, Suze Orman. Don't you point that poopy finger from the TV screen telling me what I should be doing, shit for brains. You arrogant twat, who do you think you are? I was so glad that the bailout plan got rejected and look at all the media going crazy over it. Guess what, I don't give a shit about the credit debt. I've never used a credit card and I never will. I have integrity, unlike other people. Americans can learn to live without credit, they're good people for the most part. What the media suggests is that we take more credit and pile it up in a shit mountain where Suze Orman can take her daily baths. Not to mention that out of those billion dollars, much will end up in the politicians' pockets, because money will have to be spent on bureaucracy and other made-up services. And where do they get that money from - the taxpayer. Would you rather pay more taxes or live with what you got and refuse to use credit services? The bailout plan would raise your taxes, you're gonna end up with less money, and then you're gonna need more credit if you want to keep living the same standards. So what's the point?
The media is so aggressively advocating the bailout plan that I'm almost sure it'll pass next time they're voting. I urge you to spread awareness. This is ridiculous. Instead of talking about the real problems, they're connecting the financial crisis to McCain's leadership issues. They're implying that whatever a person with an authoritative rank says must be true. "THE REPUBLICANS ARE IMMORAL. THEY DISAGREED WITH WHAT THEIR MASTER SAID". And that's coming from the liberals. It's clear that both wings support fascism, and they're gonna keep fighting for nationalizing industries.
What's the worst that can happen if the bailout plan took action? You'll see in 10 years. Suze Orman will be throwing her poo at you from the top of the Shit Mountain.