Robots suck because they are machines - slaves to humanity.
They can't do shit unless they are programmed to.
Ninja suck because they are obsolete - the guy with the finger on the trigger is not afraid of your skills in martial arts. The Japan Self-Defense Forces consist of the following military units: armies, maritime districts, and air defense forces. I don't see Ninja in the list. Check out the weapons of JSDF. Do you see swords? Do you see shuriken? Shobo? Suntetsu?
Pirates suck because in reality they're nothing more than criminals. And I'm pretty much sure most of them speak and dress normally - sorry to ruin your homosexual fantasies. Parrots and hooks? Seriously, get a life.
You don't have to worship idealized versions of stuff that sucks in order to gain new friends on the internet. Unless you want to befriend losers. And don't even start with with that Batman-Superman bullshit. I don't care which fictional character you find best, because I can always have him beat by my imaginary legendary hero. All I need to say is that my character is just like yours, except he's immortal, invisible, nothing can take away his super powers, and he controls all matter.
I hate geeks and their stupid bullshit. It's not that it's their fault, but talking passionately about fictional issues just pisses me off. I can't help but feel contempt for them. I don't fucking care if Microsoft is an "evil" company. I'm still gonna buy an Xbox360 because it's a cheap platform, and the game coverage is decent. Also, I can hack the console, download games from the internet, burn them on DVD's, and play them for free. I bet you can't do that on your PlayStation 3, smug motherfucker. Enjoy your exclusive shitty games. You're a supporter of a fictional cause that has no realistic basis. I'm tired of bullshit.